Sunday 22 December 2013

An Oddity on the Road

We see strange things on the Camino!  The other night at dinner I was sitting opposite this sign, which I took notice of initially. Look closely - it says the arrival of the flying doctor,Woomera!  Couldn't believe my eyes!

No photos again today as there is no opportunity where I am staying.  I am continuing to do my bit for the local economy.  A woman saw me deliberating as to where to go to look for a room and told me to follow her which I did!  I am staying in her apartment for 15 Euros and 5 for the use of the washing machine!  My only fear is that I might not find my way back to her house!  To help me I counted the flights of stairs that I descended when I came out looking for something to eat!

I am in Viana tonight, but think I might try and catch a ride tomorrow.  I have a yen to be in Santo Domingo for Christmas Eve, and I am not keen on the concrete path going into and out of the town of Logroño.

I left Los Arcos in a very white frost this morning.   It was so cold I broke out the liners for my mittens!  I am still only walking in my merino light stuff though.   Having said it was cold, I was able to soak up some vitamin D at midday, changing my socks, having a snack and a rest in a nice sunny spot before hitting the road again.  I gate crashed  some renovations at an albergue  for a cafe con leche in Torres del Rio.  They were kind and friendly, didn't have any food, but didn't mind me eating my own emergency rations!

There has been a haze in the air for a lot of today.  Very early this morning I could see some snow topped mountains in the general direction of where I am headed, but by lunchtime the  horizon was indistinguishable, with the earth an sky merging into one.


  1. Janet, Glad to hear your journey is progressing, I actually thought it would be worse (read more snow), have a fantastic adventure, I am jealous...

  2. Hi Janet
    Sounds like your having a great time. Love the photos, looks like a white Christmas for you. Merry Christmas and safe travels.
    Love from
    Wayne and Sharon Bird

  3. Hi Janet,
    That Woomera plaque set my brain cells in motion. It cant be the SA Woomera as that was only setup in 1947. There was a Woomera Homestead in Queensland in the 1930's that was reporting rainfall. I suggest this is the Woomera of the plaque.

    There are no mountains around the SA Woomera, its as flat gibber country.

    I hope you have a good Christmas.

    Kevin Burrows

  4. Janet It is great reading of your progress. I head to Melbourne tomorrow (Tuesday) and find it hard to believe that in just over 3 days I will be winging it to Spain! A mixture of terror and excitement...stay safe and warm. Jill
